Sustainable Business Culture – Green Office
- Individuals: Healthier and happier staff thanks to advanced lifestyles
- Admin: Significant saving office expenditure: energy, water, stationary…
- HR: An unique business culture for staff to be proud of, which can also increase individual responsibility and enhance working efficiency
- PR: Being outstanding in market and gaining customers’ trust
- Environment: Making real impacts by reducing ecological footprint
- Product/Service: Higher quality thanks to the integrated sustainable values
- CSR/Sustainability: More benefits for internal stakeholder
The key success of a sustainable business culture is basically to have daily green habits from staff (individual habit) which are promoted by regular activities at company (group synergy) and regulated by an encouraging policy and management system (governance). The green habits can be built through raising green awareness and repeated actions in a sufficient time period.
There are 3 phases in the development of a sustainable business culture:
Phase 1: Preparations
- Research on staff’s awareness and office’s environment, including questionnaires and face to face interview with management team and staff representatives.
- A general introductory section about sustainable business culture to inspire staff and select suitable green subjects for implementation. This section can be combined with the next social activity in current if planned.
- From the above activities, an overall solution (including suggested policy, a set of green targets, KPIs, maintenance – evaluation and awarding system) will be studied, proposed and agreed with management team.
Phase 2: Trainings
- This phase focuses to facilitate the change in behaviour of staff through learning from real experiencing process.
- This phase will also identify potential staff to join coordinating team.
- Basic green subjects in learning by real experiencing training are: healthy living (safety, mental and physical health), joyful living (positive attitude), kindly living (sharing, caring, sacrificing), smart consuming (eating/cooking, reduce-reuse-recycle, energy and water saving, fashion, gardening, building, travel and transport, purchasing, entertaining), green business (corporate social responsibility, green products/services, social enterprise), and other relevant subjects.
- Number and subjects of the training are based on the agreed solution.
- Sample of one training section on gardening which was recorded by VTV3:
Phase 3: Maintaining and Developing
- This phase is to maintain the green habits which were activated in Phase 2, by implementing KPIs maintenance – evaluation and awarding systems.
- In this phase, the management and coordinating team of Walmart Vietnam are also trained to use the systems effectively and are supported to build action plan to develop the sustainable business culture deeper and wider.
- Customer is also regularly updated with the latest development of the sustainable business culture network and real experiences from other companies, and are consulted to update strategy and plan when needed.
- Customer is prioritized to join green events among sustainable business community, for networking – sharing – promoting.
Route map:
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